If you’ve spent much of your life rooted in institutional Christianity, establishing a biblical house church gathering may seem daunting. However, we believe God intended ordinary Christians to be capable of starting scripturally accurate church gatherings. In hopes to promote your confidence and understanding, we’ve attempted to simplify the church planting process below.

What you don’t need:

  • A building
  • A seminary degree
  • A worship band
  • A non-profit status

What you do need:

  • At least one biblically qualified elder (1st Timothy 3 and Titus 1)
  • Basic training in the Bible’s instruction on church practice
  • 2-3 other Christians families/singles willing to participate
  • Optional: Hymnals, Portable Pulpit, Acoustic Guitar

Again, while we understand the doctrinal and theological complexities that can arise in the church planting process, we believe the establishment of a church is very simple. Below is a basic structure we’ve adopted from the Scriptures. For a more extensive overview of church structure, see our page “What is a biblical church?

Basic Structure:

  1. Every church meets each Sunday in a home.
  2. Every church service follows a basic Order of Worship
  3. Children are not sent out of the service but rather sit quietly with their parents
  4. There are no church salaries. Instead, offerings are given interpersonally to the needs of the members and servants of the church as each person feels led.
  5. Elders and Overseers (if available) are appointed which meet the qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9
  6. The church multiplies (splits) into another, independent gathering when the church exceeds 12-17 families.

Results to Expect:

  • Men and women maturing in their understanding and obedience to God’s Word
  • Rich, loving, and committed relationships
  • Marriages and families that are ordered and fruitful
  • Active discipleship between believers
  • A community of people centered around the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Bottom line, establishing a biblical church is a pilgrimage. But it’s normal Christian life. If the Lord has given you an apostolic, pastoral, or teaching gifting and a heart dissatisfied with your current church experience, prayerfully consider planting a biblical house church. In 2020, we are launching a new biblical house church planting school. Write info@relearnchurch.org for more information.